Monthly Meditations

@Cavallo Point

Led by Tarika Lovegarden

1 st Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm

Monthly Guided Meditation Evenings

with Tarika Lovegarden @ Cavallo Point Healing Arts Center

1 st Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm

Reserve your spot by calling Cavallo Point Healing Arts & Spa: 415.339.4764

5 Keys to a Happier Life

W/Tarika Lovegarden. Hosted by Stanford University online.

Fridays, April 19th- May 17th, 2024 from 12:00-1:15pm

Five Keys to a Happier Life

w/Tarika Lovegarden. Hosted by Stanford University online

Fridays, April 19th- May 17th, 2024 from 12:00-1:15pm online

What does it really mean to be happy? While some people seek happiness in external factors, research has found that the true keys to happiness come from within. It does take some work on your part, but by making small adjustments in mindset and behavior, you can reap the rewards of a happier life.

 In this five-week online class series, we will explore the factors that have been shown to increase levels of happiness. Each week will focus on one key to a happier life: gratitude, self-acceptance, generosity, connections, and loving-kindness. Through guided meditation, self-reflective worksheets, large and small group discussion, and learning videos, you will learn how to integrate these “happiness habits” into your daily life. As you discover how to shift your perspective of yourself, others, and life events, you will naturally feel better about your life.

Power of the Pause Meditation

Tarika Lovegarden @ Cavallo Point healing Arts Center & Spa

Wednesday, May 1st from 6:30-7:30pm

Power of the Pause Meditation

Tarika Lovegarden @ Cavallo Point Healing Arts Center & Spa

Wednesday, May 1st from 6:30-7:30pm

Our minds are considered to be our most valuable asset, but when incessant thinking, daydreaming, or random thoughts distract us, our own mind can become a barrier to inner peace.

Research has shown meditation to be effective for stress reduction, emotional self-regulation, improved quality of life, sleep, and behavior change, among other physical and psychological benefits. This guided meditation teaches you the fundamentals of meditation, so that you can learn to unplug from the stresses of a busy mind, transform emotional reactivity, and connect with a personal sanctuary of inner calm.

You will be guided through three of the most universal meditation techniques, including breathing mindfully, witnessing the mind, and body mindfulness to support you in cultivating a rewarding meditation practice. When practiced regularly, the results of increased awareness can become integrated into your everyday life, easing symptoms of negative mind, enabling you to think more clearly and creatively. Learn to take time-out to replenish, regularly, before you desperately need it!

Self-Compassion Meditation

w/Tarika Lovegarden @ Cavallo Point Healing Arts Center & Spa

Wednesday, June 5th from 6:30-7:30pm

Self-compassion transforms limited traits of mind, like self-criticism and feelings of inadequacy, to being at peace with who you are, free of the pressure of trying to be perfect. This meditation guides you deep into compassion: the forgiving nature of your heart, so that you can embrace your imperfections and grow from adversities. As you embrace yourself wholeheartedly, including the parts you wish you could change, you become self-confident.

Instead of obsessing over imperfections and feeling bad about yourself, this meditation practice teaches you how to recognize and celebrate your unique strengths! Through self-compassion you see the whole picture, free of self-devaluing mindsets—a refreshing and delightful perceptive! Perhaps your quirks may not be so bad after all.

5 Keys to a Happier Life Meditation Retreat in Italy

Tarika Lovegarden. Hosted by Osho Miasto in Italy.

July 11-15th, 2024 residential retreat

5 Keys to a Happier Life

Residential Retreat in Italy

Tarika Lovegarden. Hosted by Osho Miasto. July 10th-14th, 2024

“Whenever someone goes within himself, he is the owner of a treasure that never vanishes. He is drowned in an experience of bliss that is the gratitude of life, the blessedness of life, the attainment of life, and the meaning of life.” OSHO

Who doesn’t want to be happier?!

While it may not be realistic to strive for constant happiness, we can learn to elevate our levels of happiness through these transformative heart meditations, and key findings of positive psychology research.

Many of us seek happiness in external factors by chasing desires, while others seek to find fulfillment within. This 5-day workshop aims to connect you to both the blissfulness of your inner being, while igniting your joy and passion for life!

Each day we will focus on a vital key to a happier life: connection, acceptance, loving awareness, gratitude, and trust. You will be guided through a range of heart meditation techniques, self-awareness methods, chakra breathing, and mindfulness explorations to transform the negative habits that limit your life.

Join us if you would like to:

• Wake up to the blessing of who you are!
• Learn to transform negative emotions and limiting mindsets through meditation.
• Heal feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and pain of separation to find love within yourself.
• Embrace yourself and others wholeheartedly, including our strengths and imperfections.
• Meet others heart-to-heart as a doorway into the divine to become one with existence.
• Experience profound peace through accepting circumstances beyond our control.
• Shift your perspective of yourself, others, and life through a vertical leap into gratitude.
• Become centered in your innate power and wisdom, as you trust in your destiny and life.